
Showing posts from September, 2019


Hey there, unfortunate soul who came across the page on accident and is probably furiously clicking the Back button, and welcome to Wanderers and Willows! This is an OSR blog by ya boi Sven Weisserfuchs, mostly just to plug my shitty music, 3D art, and occasional useful generator. "Wanderers and Willows" was the title of a OSR TTRPG I was working on before abandoning it (if somebody else decides to use this name, I won't be too upset). It was more of a pastoral RPG, where characters were small-townsfolk at the very most, and exploring a bright and vivid world of danger. Maybe I'll write up some lore about it sometime, it was kinda sorta interesting. Don't expect a ton of activity, I'm lazy as fuck and I'll probably end up forgetting this place exists for periods of time. My Current Campaigns/Settings: Technoir, a post-cyberpunk investigative campaign set in the near-future of New York City. Confluence, a post-apocalyptic fantasy hexcrawl set in a...